1967 获哈工大学士学位
1981 获中科院计算所获硕士学位
1985 获美国普渡大学获博士学位。
1987.1-1988.6 Concordin大学计算机科学系,副教授
1988.7-1991.6 Nova Scotia 大学计算机科学技术学院,副教授
1991-1999 美国尤它州州立大学,副教授
1993.6-1999 美国尤它州州立大学电气与计算机工程系,副教授
1999-至今 美国尤它州州立大学计算机系,终身教授;电气与计算机工程系,兼职教授。
承教授是结构模式识别领域创始人傅京孙教授唯一的一个在中国大陆招收并培养的博士。承教授长期从事计算机视觉、模式识别、图像处理的研究工作,多次担任上述领域的国际会议主席,是国际权威刊物《模式识别》、《信息科学》副主编。2003年担任7th Joint Conference on Information Science 的分会主席,此次会议收录的全部论文被SCI源检索。承教授发表在国际权威期刊的论文62篇,130篇在国际会议上发表,编辑出版书籍12部。
1. “Color Image Segmentation Based on Tomogram Thresholding and Region Merging”2001, accepted by Pattern Recognition.
2. “A novel approach to pavement crack detection based on neural networks”, 2001,TRB annual meeting, Washington, D.C.7-11
3. “A Hierarchical Approach to Color Image Segmentation Using Homogeneity”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, Vol.9, No. 12,pp2071-2081, 2000.
4. “Design of a Configurable Accelerator for Moment Computation”, IEEE Trans. On VLSI Systems, Vol. 8,No. 6,pp 741-746,Dec.2000.
5. “A novel fuzzy logic approach to contrast enhancement”, Pattern Recognition, Vol.33, No.5, pp. 809-819,2000.
6. “Thresholding using two-dimensional histogram and fuzzy entropy principle”, IEEE Trans. On Image Processing, Vol.9, No. 4,pp 732-735, April 2000.
7. “Breast Cancer classification using fuzzy central moments”, accepted in the book Fuzzy Logic in Medicine, S.Barro and R.Marin, Springer-Velerg, 2000.
8. “Automated real-time pavement distress analysis”, Transportation Research Board Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.1655, pp.55-64, 1999.
9. “Novel approach to pavement distress detection based on fuzzy set theory”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp270-280, Oct.1999.
10. “A novel fuzzy entropy approach to image enhancement and thresholding”, Signal Processing, 75,pp. 277-301,1999.
11. “Fuzzy partition of two-dimensional histogram and its application to thresholding”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 825-843, May 1999.
12. “Design of a Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Moment Computation- A Wavefront Array Approach”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 207-218, Feb. 1999.
13. “A novel approach to microcalcification detection using fuzzy logic technique”, IEEE Trans. On Medical Imaging, Vol. 17, No.3, pp 442-450, June 1998.