黄哲学(Joshua Huang)
任职: 香港大学电子商业科技研究所助理总监,高级研究员,香港大学数学系荣誉教授,博士生导师
电话: 852-22990528
E-mail: jhuang@eti.hku.hk
The Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden
MIP Australia
(Joshua Zhexue Huang)
Royal Institute of Technology
IEEE Transaction
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
Selected Refereed Publications
International Journals
(1) Huang, Joshua Zhexue, Ng, Michal K.P., Rong, Hongqiang and Li, Zichen (2005) Automated Variable Weighting in k-means Type Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp.657-668.
Huang, Joshua Zhexue and Ng, Michael K. (2003) A Note on K-modes Clustering. Journal of Classification, Vol. 20, pp.257-261.
Huang, Z. and Ng, M. (1999)
A Fuzzy k-modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 446-452.
Huang, Z. (1998)
Extensions to the k-means Algorithm for Clustering Large Data Sets with Categorical Values. International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 283-304.
Ng, M and Huang, Z. (1999)
Data-Mining Massive Time Series Astronomical Data: Challenges, Problems and Solutions. International Journal of Information and Software Technology, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 545-556.
He, Zengyou, Xu, Xiaofei, Huang, Joshua Zhexue and Deng, Shengchun (2005) FP-Outlier: Frequent Pattern Based Outlier Detection. To appear in Computer Science and Information Systems.
Ye, Yunming, Rong, Hongqiang, Lu, Yiming, Ma, Fanyuan and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2005)
LinkPulse: An Online Self-adaptive Link Evaluation Algorithm for Topical Web Crawler. To appear in Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology.
Tang, Feilong, Li, Minglu and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2005) GridTS: A Transaction Service for Intelligent Grid Environment, To appear in Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems.
Gao, Yang and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2005) Adaptive Job Scheduling in BI-Grid, To appear in Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems.
He, Zengyou, Xu, Xiaofei, Deng, Shengchun, and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2005) Clustering Categorical Data Streams, To appear in Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering.
(11) Gao, Yang, Rong, Hongqian, and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2005) Adaptive Grid Job Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms. Future Generation Computer Systems, V.21, pp.151-161.
Tang, Feilong, Li, Minglu, Huang, Joshua Zhexue
)A real-time transaction processing approach for autonomic Grid environment, in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v.17, No. 7, pp.799-807.
(13) He, Zengyou, Xu, Xiaofei, Huang, Joshua Zhexue and Deng, Shengchun (2004) Mining Class Outliers: Concepts, Algorithms and Applications in CRM. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 27, pp.680-697, Elsevier.
(14) Wang, Hongbing, Huang, Joshua Zhexue, Qu, Yuzhong and Xie, Junyuan (2004) Web services: problems and future directions,
Journal of Web Semantics, 1(3), pp.309-320.
(15) Chan, E. Y., Ching, W. K., Ng, M. K., and Huang, J. Z. (2004) An Optimization Algorithm for Clustering using Weighted Dissimilarity Measures. Pattern Recognition, 37(5), pp.943-952.
(16) Shen, R., Han, P., Yang, F., Yang, Q. and Huang, J. Z. (2003)
Data Mining and Case-based Reasoning for Distance Learning. International Journal of Distance Education Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.46-58.
Yang, Q., Huang, J.Z. and Ng, M. (200
) A Data Cube Model for Prediction-based Web Prefetching. Journal of Intelligence Information Systems
, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.11-30
International Conference Proceedings
Huang, Joshua Z., Rong, Henry H, Ting, Jessica, Ye, Yunming, and Huang, Qiming (2003) Clustering and Cluster Validation in Data Mining, in Advances in Data Mining and Modeling, ed. Wai-Ki Ching & Michael Ng, World Scientific.
Huang, Z., Ng, J., Cheung, D.W., Ng, M. and Ching, W.K. (2001) A Cube Model for Web Access Sessions and Cluster Analysis. In Proceeding of WEBKDD01, Springer.
Huang, Z., Ng, J., Cheung, D.W., Ng, M. and Ching, W.K. (2001) A Cube Model for Web Access Sessions and Cluster Analysis. In Proceeding of WEBKDD01, Springer.
Huang, Z. (1997)
Clustering Large Data Sets with Mixed Numeric and Categorical Values. (PAKDD'97), Singapore, World Scientific, pp. 21-35.
Huang, Z. (1993)
Designing a Spatial Query Language for Spatial Data Query and Analysis. In: H. Lu and B. C. Ooi (eds), GIS: Technology and Applications, World Scientific.
Huang, Z. and Svensson, P. (1993)
Neighbourhood Query and Analysis with GeoSAL, a Spatial Query Language. In: D. Abel and B. C. Ooi (eds), Advances in Spatial Databases, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 692, Springer.
Huang, Z., Svensson, P. and Hauska, H. (1992)
Solving Spatial Analysis Problems with GeoSAL, a Spatial Query Language. In: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Ascona, Switzerland.
Zhexue Huang and Friedrich Quiel, (1992)
Solving network problems using a spatial query language In Proceedings of The 4th Scandinavian Research Conference on GIS, November 22-25, 1992, Helsinki, Finland.
He, H. and Huang, Z. (1997)
Boosting Neural Networks in Real World Applications: an Empirical Study. In: Abdul Sattar, Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 1342, Springer, pp.321-329.
(10) Williams, G. and Huang, Z. (1997)
Mining the Knowledge Mine- The Hot Spots Methodology for Mining Large Real World Databases, In: Abdul Sattar, Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 1342, Springer, pp.340-348.
(11) Ng, M. and Huang, Z. (1997)
Temporal Data Mining with a Case Study of Astronomical Data Analysis, In: Proceedings of Scientific Computing'97, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer.
(12) Ting, Jessica, Ng, Michael, Hong, Henry Hongqiang and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2003) Statistical Models for Time Sequences Data Mining
. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr2003), March 20-23, Hong Kong, China.
(13) Shen, R., Han, P., Yang, F., Yang, Q. and Huang, J. Z. (2002) An Open Framework for Smart and Personalized Distance Learning, In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Web-based Learning, August, 2002, Hong Kong, Springer.
(14) Ng, M. and Huang, J. Z (2002) M-FastMap: A Modified FastMap Algorithm for Visual Cluster Validation in Data Mining, Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2002), May 6-8, 2002, Teipei.
(15) Ye, Yunming, Ma, Fanyuan, Lu, Yiming, Chiu, Matthew Chiu and Huang, Joshua (2004)
iSurfer: a Focused Web Crawler Based On Incremental Learning from Positive Samples, APWEB2004.
(16) Wu, Edmond H., Ng, Michael K. and Huang, Joshua Z. (2004) An Efficient Data Cube Model for Web Usage Analysis, APWEB2004.
(17) Wu, Edmond H., Ng, Michael K. and Huang, Joshua Z. (2004) Increasing Website Connectivity by Web-log Data Streams, In proceedings of DASFAA2004, South Korea.
(18) Gao, Y., Rong, H., Luo, Z., Huang, J.Z, and Tong, F. (2003) Adaptive Job Scheduling for a Service Grid Using a Genetic Algorithm, The 2
nd International Workshop on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC2003), December 7-10, Shanghai, China, Springer.
(19) Yang, J., Huang, J.Z. and Zhang, N. (2003)
C3: A New Learning Scheme to Improve Classification of Rare Category Emails, In Proceedings of The 16th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AI’03, LNAI, Springer.
(20) He, J., Rong, H., Luo, Z., Huang, J.Z. and Tong, F. (2003) Uni-Grid P&T: A Toolkit for Building Customizable Grid Portals, In Proceedings of ICWS-Europe'03, LNCS 2853, Spronger.
(21) Ye, Yunming, Ma, Fanyuan, Rong, Hongqiang and Huang, Joshua Zhexue (2004) Enhanced Email Classification Based on Feature Space Enriching, The 9th Intl. conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information System (NLDB2004), Springer.
(22) Jing, Liping, Huang, Joshua Zhexue, Ng, Michael and Rong, Hongqing (2004) A Feature Weighting approach to building classification models by interactive clustering. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI 2004), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain August, 2-4 2004, Springer-Verlag.
(23) Jin, Cheqing, Xiong, Fang, Huang, J. Z., Yu, Jeffrey and Zhou, Aoying (2004) Mining Frequent Items in Spatio-Temporal Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (WAIM2004), Volume.3015, Springer-Verlag, 2004.