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哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院, 计算机科学与技术学院,高级讲师,硕士生导师,博士

Email: lltang@hit.edu.cn




2006/09-2010/01  哈尔滨工业大学 电子与通信工程 博士
哈尔滨工业大学 应用数学 硕士


2018/6-至今 哈尔滨工业大学深圳 计算机科学与技术学院 高级讲师

2016/4-2017/4  美国弗洛里达州立大学 访问学者

2013/3-2018/5 哈尔滨工业大学深圳 计算机科学与技术学院 助理教授

2011/11-2012/1 香港理工大学 访问学者

2010/06-2013/3 哈尔滨工业大学深圳 计算机科学与技术学院 博士后


2013/06-至今 深圳市高层次人才

2017/04-至今 深圳市南山区领航人才

2010/10-至今 深圳市科创委、发改委入库专家

2010/06-至今 IEEE 高级会员

2012/01-至今  CCF 中国计算机学会会员
至今  IEE LetterKnowledge Based SystemIEEE CSVT 特邀刊,审稿人
至今  International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Systems (IJCSES) 国际期刊,审稿人,协助编委
至今  Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP) 国际期刊,审稿人,协助编委


  1. 深圳市基础研究项目,JCYJ20180306171938767,黎曼几何下3D人脸识别特征提取及分类算法设计,2019/4-2021/350万元,在研,主持

  2. 深圳市基础研究布局项目,JCYJ20180507183527919,基20180179社交媒体大数据智能理解与预测关键技术研究,200万元,2019/4-2022/3,在研,主要参加,50万元子项目主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上,61872107,恶意代码知识表示与知识库构建方法研究,59万元,2019/1-2022/12,在研,主要参加

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上,61872108大规模异构社交网络差分隐私保护方法研究,64万元,2019/1-2020/12,在研,主要参加

  5. 企业横向,BD25500041TQL智能笔异常点过滤修正演算法,2018/9-2019/10,在研,9万元,主持

  6. 深圳市高层次人才创新创业项目,KQJSCX20170726104033,基于多重生物特征的数字水印文档系统,2018/03-2020/0380万元,在研,参加

  7. 深圳市高层次人才创新创业项目,适用于云存储的可搜索公钥加密方法的研究,2017.10-2019.1080万元,在研,参加

  8. 深圳基础研究学科布局项目,JCYJ20160608161351559 可配置嵌入式实时图像并行处理系统关键技术研究,2016/12-2020/12300万元,在研,参加

  9. 深圳市科创委技术研发项目,JSGG20150330103937411,基于异构云计算的CAE软件高性能数值仿真平台研发,2015/08-2017/12300万元,结题,参加,50万元子项目主持

  10. 深圳市科创委基础研究项目,JCYJ20150403161923527BD基于组合优化理论的云计算负载均衡算法研究,2015/11-2017/1210万元,结题,主持

  11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61371178BD24401002,基于核学习的大型复杂数据挖掘理论与方法研究,2014/01-2017/1280万元,结题,参加

  12. 哈工大校级创新项目,HIT. NSRIF.2015087,基于启发式算法的负载均衡问题研究,2014/04-2016/125万元,已结题,主持

  13. 企业横向项目,航天无线通信掌上车队APP设计开发,2014/12-2015/12,6万元,已结题,主持

  14. 深圳市科创委配套项目,小波域多描述算法研究,2014/07-2015/125万元,已结题,主持

  15. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,61202456,小波域多描述水印算法研究,2013/01-2015/1224万元,已结题,主持

  16. 校级科研启动基金项目,基于分数傅立叶变换的图像加密和水印技术研究,2013/04-2015/123万元,已结题,主持

  17. 深圳市重点实验室项目,深圳市互联网信息协同技术与应用重点实验室,2012/10-2015/12500万元,已结题,参加

  18. 校级创新基金项目,HIT.NSRIF.2013102,基于云计算架构的MapReduce并行计算技术,2012/09-2014/125万元,已结题,参加

  19. 国家863项目,2012AA112310,道路交通状态多感知与分布式交互处理技术(子课题:云实时导航系统),2012/01-2015/1220万元,已结题,参加

  20. 深圳市海外高层次人才创新创业专项资金项目,车载智能云终端系统,2012/01-2014/12160万元,已结题,参加

  21. 企业合作横向项目,BD25500018LT5三维物流经营模拟平台(物流中心、供应链、国际物流)逻辑设计,2011/11-2012/054万元,已结题,主持

  22. 企业合作横向项目,BD25500017LT5三维物流经营模拟平台仓储角色游戏逻辑设计,2011/09-2011/101万元,已结题,主持

  23. 中国博士后基金项目,20110491061,基于多描述编码的数字水印技术研究,2011/06-2013/063万元,已结题,

  24. 国家发改委平台建设项目,国家发改委高技 [2011] 2448号,深圳市云计算公共服务平台(检验检测平台),2011/01-2015/12 514万元,已结题,参加


2012/06  27届匹兹堡国际发明展(INPEX_具有路况感知功能的行车记录器_银牌奖



  1. 基于局部特征的三维人脸识别算法. 中国. 唐琳琳、曾国坤、李章燕、童绪鹏. 申请号:PCT/CN2019/090551

  2. 一种云计算任务分配方法、装置、设备及存储介质,中国. 张勇、唐琳琳、赵东宁、鹤荣育、梁长垠、曾庆好. 申请号2018103212679.


    1. 一种基于车载自动诊断系统的云服务系统. 中国. 唐琳琳、陈玺煌、潘正祥. 20168月已授权: ZL 201210084441.5
    智能车况云检测服务系统. 中国. 唐琳琳、陈玺煌、潘正祥. 20168月已授权:ZL 201210169054.1
    智能车载云报警系统. 中国. 唐琳琳、陈玺煌、潘正祥. 20164月已授权:ZL 201210169123.9



    1. Linlin Tang*, Huifen Lu, Zhen Pang, Zhangyan Li and Jingyong Su, “A Distance Weighted Linear Regression Classifier Based on Optimized Distance Calculating Approach for Face Recognition,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, 06 August 2019 (online) (SCI & EI, JCR:Q2, impact factor: 1.541)

    2. Linlin Tang*, Zuohua Li, Jingyong Su, Huifen Lu, Zhangyan Li, Zhen Pang and Yong Zhang, “Kernel Nearest-farthest Subspace Classifier for Face Recognition,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, July, 2019 (accepted) (SCI & EI, JCR:Q2, impact factor: 1.541)

    3. Yuenan Li*, Dongdong Wang, Linlin Tang*, “Robust and Secure Image Fingerprinting Learned by Neural Network,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 07 January 2019, Early Access (SCI & EI, JCR: Q1, impact factor:3.558)

    4. Linlin Tang, Zuohua Li, Xiongfeng Dong, “A New Hybrid Task Scheduling Algorithm Designed Based on ACO and GA”,Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP), Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1585-1594, November 2018 (EI)

    5. Linlin Tang*, Zuohua Li, Pingfei Ren, Jengshyang Pan, Zheming Lu, Jingyong Su and Zhenyu Meng, “Online and Offline Based Load Balance Algorithm in Cloud Computing”,Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 138, pp. 91-104, Dec. 15 2017 (SCI & EI , Impact factor:4.529, Q1)

    6. Linlin Tang, Huifen Lu, Liang Zhao, Zuohua Li, “Center-based Restricted Nearest Feature Plane with Angle Classifier for Face Recognition”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 64, No. 19, pp. 2097-2102, May, 2017 ( SCI & EI, Impact factor:1.328, Q3)

    7. Linlin Tang*, Zuohua Li*, Jengshang Pan, Zhifang Wang, Kaiqiang Ma and Hongnan Zhao, “Novel Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based Load Balance Method In Cloud Computing”, Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP), Vol. 8, No. 2, pp: 460-467, March 2017 (EI)

    8. Linlin Tang*, Kaiqiang Ma, Zuohua Li*, “A New Scheduling Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Algorithm and Cloud Load Balancing”, Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 191-199, January 2017 (EI)

    9. Qingxiang Feng, Qi Zhu, Linlin Tang and Jengshyang Pan, “L1 plus L2 sparse parameter for image recognition”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 126, No. 23, pp. 4078-4082,August, 2015 (SCI & EI, Impact factor:1.008)

    10. Qingxiang Feng, Qi Zhu, Lin-Lin Tang and Jeng-Shyang Pan, “ Double Linear Regression Classification for Face Recognition”, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 288-95, 2015 (SCI & EI, impact factor: 1.008)

    11. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Chang-Yong Liu, “Dual Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 74, No. 12, pp. 4397-4413, June, 2015. (SCI & EI, impact factor:1.530)

    12. Lijun Yan, Jun-Bao Li, Xiaorui Zhu, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Linlin Tang*, “Bilinear Discriminant Feature Line Analysis for Image Feature Extraction”, Electronics letters, , Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 336-338, February 19, 2015 (SCI &EI, Impact factor: 1.068)

    13. Wenming Song, Xiuyan Sun, Cheng Liu, Linlin Tang*, "A New Watermarking Frame Based on the Genetic Algorithms and Wavelet Packet Decomposition", Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (JIHMSP),Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 613-621, Feb., 2015 (EI)

    14. Haixia Li, Linlin Tang*, "The decomposition algorithm of concept lattice based on hierarchy", Journal of Computers, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 46-50, Dec., 2014 (EI)

    15. Xiuyan Sun, Wenmin Song, Ying Lv and Linlin Tang*, “A New Compressed Sensing Algorithm Design Based on Wavelet Frame and Dictionary,”Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 244-251, April 2014 (EI)

    16. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Peng Shi, Lijun Yan, “A novel two-channel multiple description image coding framework based on the SFQ algorithm,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 2987-2994, July, 2013 (EI)

    17. Jun-Bao Li, Wen-He Sun, Yun-Heng Wang and Lin-Lin Tang, “3D Model Classification Based on Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis with Kernels”, Neural Computing and Applications, Vol. 22, Issue 3-4, pp. 771-781, March, 2013 (SCI & EI, Impact factor: 0.699)

    18. Tang, Lin-Lin*, Pan, Jeng-Shyang, “Novel view for FRactional Fourier transform and the applications on optical image encryption,” ICIC Express Letters, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.553-558, March, 2013 (EI)

    19. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, Hao Luo, Jun-Bao Li, “Novel Watermarked MDC System Based on SFQ Algorithm”, IEICE Transactions on Communication, Vol.E95-B, No.09, Sep. 2012: 2922-2925. (SCI & EI, Impact factor: 0.254)

    20. Jun Bao Li, Yun-Heng Wang, Lin-Lin Tang, “Mammogram-based discriminant fusion analysis for breast cancer diagnosis,” Elsevier, Clinical Imaging, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 710-6, March, 2012 (SCI & EI, Impact factor: 0.746)

    21. Zhenfei Zhao, Lin-Lin Tang, “High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in AMBTC-Compressed Images”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications (JDCTA), Vol. 6, No. 2, 2012: 205-211. (EI)

    22. Jun Bao Li, Yang Yu, Zhi-Ming Yang, and Lin-Lin Tang, “Breast Tissue Image Classification Based on Semi-supervised Locality Discriminant Projection with Kernels”, Springer, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 36, Issue 5, pp. 2779-2786, July, 2011 (SCI, Impact factor: 1.132)

    23. Lin-Lin Tang, Zhe-Ming Lu, Fa-Xin Yu, Ping-Hui Wang and Zhen Li, “3D Triangle Mesh Compression Based on Vector Quantisation with k-ring Vector Prediction”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 2011: 1169-1179. (SCI, Impact factor:1.664)

    24. Fa-Xin Yu, Lin-Lin Tang, Zhe-Ming Lu, “SPIHT and Odd-Even Estimation Based MDC Algorithm”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 6, No. 3, Mar., 2010: 1070-1079. (SCI & EI, Impact factor: 2.793)

    25. Lin-Lin Tang, Zhe-Ming Lu, “A Novel Multiple Description Image Coding Framework Based on the SFQ Algorithm”, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Electronics Express, Vol. 6, No. 16, 2009: 1137-1142. (SCI & EI, Impact factor: 0.461)

    26. Lin-Lin Tang, Zhe-Ming Lu, “An Efficient MDC Framework Based on DCT and SPIHT”, Information Technology Journal (ITJ), Vol. 8, No. 7, 2009: 1071-1075. (EI)


    27. Social Networks: A Framework of Computational Intelligence, Lin-Lin Tang, Jeng-Shyang Pan, XiaoLv Guo, Shu-Chuan Chu and John F. Roddick, chapter 13, A Novel Approach on Behavior of Sleepy Lizards Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm; Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-02993-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02993-1, Book Editor: Witold Pedrycz; Shyi-Ming Chen

    28. Wavelet Based Multiple Description Coding Techniques: Transform Tools, Linlin Tang, Golden Light Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-3-330-82661-8, 2017



    1. Linlin Tang*, Xupeng Tong and Jingyong Su, “Application of Ripley's K-function in Shape Analysis of Point Cloud Data,” The 13th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC), November 1-3, 2019 (EI, accepted)

    2. Linlin Tang*, Yao Meng, “Energy Efficient Container Consolidation Method in Cloud Environment Based on Heuristic Algorithm,” The 13th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing(ICGEC), November 1-3, 2019 (EI, accepted)

    3. Jerry Chun-wei Lin, Yuanfa Li, Philippe Fournier-Viger and Linlin Tang, “Ming High Utility Itemsets From Multiple Databases,” The Second International Conference on Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportation, Communication and Applications(VTCA), 2018: 139-146. (EI)

    4. Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Yuanfa Li, Matin Pirouz, Linlin Tang and Miroslav Voznak, “Synthesization of High-Utility Patterns in Parallel Computing,” IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), October 7-9, 2019 (EI, accepted)

    5. Linlin Tang*, Jengshyang Pan, Yuanyuan Hu, Pingfei Ren, Yu Tian, Hongnan Zhao, “A Novel Load Balance Algorithm for Cloud Computing,” The 9th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC),Vol. 388, pp. 21-30, August 2015. (EI

    6. Jengshyang Pan, Pingfei Ren, Linlin Tang*, “Research on Heuristic Based Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing,” ECC2015, Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, Vol. 370, June 2015: 417-426. (EI)

    7. Linlin Tang*, Yu Tian, Jengshyang Pan, “Applications of Cloud Model in Digital Watermarking,” ECC2015,Advances in Intelligent System and Computing, Vol. 370, June, 2015: 371-379. (EI)

    8. Linlin Tang*, Yu Tian, Pingfei Ren, Kaiqiang Ma, Huifen Lu, and Jeng-shyang Pan, “Watermarked Multiple Description Coding Based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Genetic Algorithm,” ITAOI2015, Vol. 1, July, 2015: 23-26.

    9. Jeng-shyang Pan, Haibin Wang, Hongnan Zhao and Linlin Tang*, “Interaction artificial bee colony Based Load Balance Method in Cloud Computing,” the 8th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Springer, ICGEC-2014, Nanchang,Vol. 329, 2015: 49-57. (EI)

    10. Hai-xia Li, Jian Ding, Dong-ming Nie, and Linlin Tang, “One decomposition method of concept lattice,” the 8th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, Springer, ICGEC-2014 , Nanchang,Vol.329, 2015: 325-333 (EI)

    11. Linlin Tang*, Pingfei Ren, Jengshyang Pan, “An improved k-subset algorithm for Load Balance Problems in Cloud Computing,” CCIS-2014, Shenzhen, November 2014: 175-179. (EI)

    12. Jingyong Su, Lin-Lin Tang, “Statistical Analysis of Trajectories on Spheres,” ECC-2014, Shenzhen, June 2014:39-46. (EI)

    13. Lijun Yan, Linlin Tang*, Shu-Chuan Chu, Xiaorui Zhu, Junbao Li, Xiaochuan Guo, “Genetic Generalized Discriminant Analysis and Its Applications,” IEA-AIE-2014, Taiwan, Vol. 8481 LNAI, June, 2014: 246-255. (EI)

    14. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Junbao Li, “A novel Watermarked Multiple Description Scalar Quantization Coding Framework,” IEA-AIE-2014, Taiwan, Vol. 8481 LNAI, June, 2014: 236-245. (EI)

    15. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, “Novel Up-sampling based Watermarking Multiple Description Coding Frame,” IEEE the International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2013), Beijing, October, 2013:45-48. (EI)

    16. L. L. Tang*, Chun Ta Huang, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Chang-Yong Liu,“A Novel Dual Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform”, the third conference on Web Intelligence and Applications,NCWIA2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 26th, 2013.

    17. Chang-Yong Liu, Lin-Lin Tang* and Jeng-Shyang Pan, “Novel Fragile FRFT Watermarking Algorithm Based on Blocking Method”, IEEE the International Conference on Computing, Measurement, Control and Sensor Network (CMCSN-2012), Taiyuan, July 2012:273-276. (EI)

    18. Chang-Yong Liu, Lin-Lin Tang* and Jeng-Shyang Pan, “Novel FRFT Watermarking Algorithm Based on the Gray Relational Analysis”, IEEE the International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP-2012), Greece, July 2012: 273-276. (EI)

    19. Xiaolv Guo, Shu-Chuan Chu, Lin-Lin Tang*, John F. Roddick and Jeng-Shyang Pan, “A Research on Behavior of Sleepy Lizards Based on KNN Algorithm”, IEEE the 4th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database System (ACIIDS-2012) , Taiwan, March 2012: 109-118. (EI)

    20. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Ming Zhao, “A Novel Watermarking Scheme for Image Up-sampling based Multiple Description Coding Frames”, IEEE the 2011 International Conference on Information Security and Intelligence Control (ISIC-2011), Changchun, August, 2011:154-157. (EI)

    21. Lin- Lin Tang*, Shu-Chuan Chu and John Roddick, “Orientation Tree Structure Based Wavelet/VQ Multiple Description Coding”, IEEE PCSPA2010-The First International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, Harbin, Sept., 2010:700-702. (EI)

    22. Lin-Lin Tang*, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Zhe-Ming Lu, “A novel embedded coding algorithm based on the reconstructed DCT coefficients”, IEEE ICCCI 2010 - The 2nd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence-Technologies and Applications, Nov., 2010: 56-62. (EI)

    23. Lin-Lin Tang*, Fa-Xin Yu, Zhe-Ming Lu, “A Novel MDC Framework Based on the SFQ Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC), Kaosiung, Taiwan, ID.: Dec., 2009: 620-623. (EI)

    24. Lin-Lin Tang, Zhe-Ming Lu and Fa-Xin Yu, “A Novel Multiple Description Coding Frame Based on Reordered DCT Coefficients and SPIHT Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS), Xi’an, China, Aug., 2009: 71-75. (EI 


硕士生导师 开设全日制硕士专业课程:《信息隐藏》,32学时
开设全日制本科课程:《近世代数》,32学时 ;《集合论与图论》,48学时



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