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1998-2001  获工学博士学位,上海交通大学





1998.5 - 1998.10  工程师,深圳华为通讯有限公司

2002.1 - 2004.9  讲师,上海交通大学电信学院

2004.10 - 2006.10  博士后,哈工大深圳研究生院

2006.12 - 至今  副教授,哈工大深圳研究生院计算机科学与技术学院




2013-2014  副主席, 中国计算机学会YOCSEF深圳

2017-2018  秘书长, 中国计算机学会深圳分会




2017.1 - 2019.11 主持,国家重点研发计划:网络空间安全重点专项“XXX支撑平台系统

2018.8 - 2020.8  主持,深圳市重点技术攻关项目:地下管网巡检机器人及调度系统研发

2019.1 - 2021.1  主持,深圳市国际合作项目:基于机器学习的无机无铅钙钛矿材料的设计及光伏性能研究

2017.8 - 2019.8  主持,深圳市基础研究:基于安全多方计算的隐私保护时间序列异常检测

2015.10 - 2018.2  主要参加,国家863计划:云计算环境下基于密文数据处理的用户信息安全关键技术研究

2013.5 - 2015.12  主要参加,深圳市新一代信息技术产业发展专项资金:物联网关键技术及应用系统集成工程实验室

2016.11 - 2018.11 主持,隐私保护在智慧健康管理中的应用

2012.6 - 2013.1  主持,基础健康数据智能分析算法及在移动终端呈现应用

2010.10 - 2012.10  主要参加,深圳市重点实验室提升计划:物联网若干关键技术的研究







神经网络建模方法,专利号:ZL 2003 1 0108052.2

换热网络智能优化设计方法,专利号:ZL 2003 1 0122790.2






5)健康信息管理系统软件, 2012SR072185

6)健康信息档案自助建立与管理软件, 2012SR072744

7)医疗健康智能分析软件, 2012SR072202

8) 精准健康计划助手软件, 2014SR011794

9) 基于案例推理的医疗健康决策分析软件, 2014SR011391

10) 健康分析系统维护平台软件, 2014SR011303



Trends in Neural Computation Series: Studies in Computational Intelligencechapter 12Springer Verlag, Germany2007.


1) Fast Eclat algorithms based on minwise hashing for large-scale transactions, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2018.2885851, 2018(SCI JCR一区, IF: 5.874)

2) Research on classification method of high-dimensional class-imbalanced datasets based on SVM, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, DOI:10.1007/s13042-018-0853-2, 2018(SCI JCR 二区,IF: 2.692)

3) Qiao Liu, Xiaohuan Lu, Zhenyu He, Chunkai Zhang*, Wen-Sheng Chen,Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017 (IF4.529) 通讯作者

4Q LiuZ HeH WangC Zhang*, A multi-view model for visual tracking via correlation filters, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 113:88-99. SCI JCR 2, (2016) (IF:3.325).

5Zhang CK, Hu H, Ant Colony Optimization Combining with Mutual Information for Feature Selection in Support Vector Machines. Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3809, p. 918-921, Springer-Verlag, 2005. (SCI收录IDS Number: BDW41,被引用次数:21)

6) Zhang CK, Hu H, An Effective Feature Selection Scheme via Genetic Algorithm Using Mutual Information, Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3614, p. 73-80, Springer-Verlag, 2005. (SCI&EISCI收录IDS Number: BDA17, EI收录号:05439439716,被引用次数:4)

7) Zhang CK, Hu H, An Evolved Recurrent Neural Network and Its Application. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 3610, p. 91-100, Springer-Verlag, 2005. (SCI收录IDS Number: BDA22, 被引用次数:2)

8) Zhang CK, Hu H, Feature selection in SVM based on the hybrid of enhanced genetic algorithm and mutual information. Lecture Notes of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3885, p. 307-316, Springer-Verlag, 2006. (SCI收录IDS Number: BEF39)



1) Chunkai Zhang, Huihe Shao, Yu Li, Particle swarm optimisation for evolving artificial neural network, Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2000 IEEE International Conference on. (EI, 被引用次数:191)

2) Feature selection using the hybrid of ant colony optimization and mutual information for the forecaster. Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2005. Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on. (EI, 被引用次数:45)

3) Chunkai Zhang, Pengfei Jia, A new sampling approach for classification of imbalanced data sets with high density. Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP), 2014 International Conference on (EI, 被引用次数:10)

4) Lu junru, zhang chunkai. “A Classification Method Of Imbalanced Data Base On PSO Algorithm”Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2016. .(EI) CCIS(被引用次数:1

5) Zechao Liu, Zoe L. Jiang, Xuan Wang, S.M. Yiu, Chunkai Zhang* and Xiaomeng Zhao, Dynamic Attribute-Based Access Control in Cloud Storage Systems, IEEE TrustCom-16, 2016. (CCF C)

6) Chunkai Zhang*, Guoquan Wang, Lin Yao, Zoe L Jiang, Liao Qing, Xuan Wang, A new Approach for Imbalanced Data Classification Based on Minimize Loss Learning, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC 2017)

7) Chunkai Zhang, Haodong liu, Lin Yao, Time series discord discovery under Multi-party Privacy Preserving. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC 2017)

8) Chunkai Zhang, Xudong Zhang, An approximate approach to frequent itemset mining. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC 2017)

9) Zhang Chunkai, Jiang Jiayao. "THE RESEARCH OF HUMAN ACTIVITY STATE RECOGNITION BASE ON ACCELEROMETERS" The 2016 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing(WordComp'16), The International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical SystemsHIM),2016,7 (EI)

10) Zhang Chunkai, Jiang Jiayao. “Research on Approach for Classification of Within Imbalanced Data Sets”The 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology(BIOCOMP'16: July 25-28, 2016. (EI)

11) Zhang Chunkai, Sun yaqi. “Mining Dynamic Association Rules from Multiple Time-Series”, IEEE Information Management,Electronic and Automation Control Conference,2016. (EI)

12Zhang Chunkai, Yin ao, "BOFE: Anomaly Detection in Linear Time Based on Feature Estimation", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, workshop, 2018.




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